Lil Star has SOLD! She leaves tomorrow. I am going to be there for her to unload.
I just want to help reduce the separation anxiety, for her a bit. There are other horses there and plenty of kids!
So, Lil Star should settle in fairly quick. I've moved them around and boarded at a few different places, so my horses are used to 'new places', it's the NOT being together, after being together 3 years.
I'm going to have to head straight back to Star Bright and make sure she's ok being by herself. Spend some time with her and settle her into her 'own space' . She's been alone before, and we've done well being alone together.
I've come to realize, it was actually the best time for us, so I'm going to leave it at 1 horse, and it's just going to be the 2 of us. Maybe 3 if I find a front pack to take Chanelle.?
It's going to be good! I know Lil Star is going to have a wonderful new life and I miss my time with my girl..
So, Why the apologize? Well, most of the folks that come by here or follow along ~ are not here for the advertising. And for the most part this summer, I've been promoting events and game sales. Not spending too much time on the 'good stuff'.
We also know I don't like to be negative and I really don't like to complain. Yet, I struggle with the fun stuff like depression. Remember if it's getting quiet around here, I'm just going through one of those phases...
I'll be BACK!!
So let's brief in on the 'goods'.
I got screwed over by a phony event coordinator and lost a few hundred dollars, wasting money and time every week getting ready, going and finding out ..... there was nothing or something I would rather not describe. So much of my week wasted, week after week.
Tim's been getting sicker and things have been getting tighter and the stress level has been escalating. Still don't have a complete understanding of 'what's wrong with him'. Colon cancer keeps coming up in the night mares.
I have cars breaking down a driveway full of them 2 dead 1 dying. Currently borrowing my daughters 'second' car and it's pretty much on it's last leg. So, I've been helping out at the store a little bit for a little extra $. Killing my left foot. !!
My foot never did heal after the ripping of the tendon. The toes are curled up for life. Heals are gone for life! You know I'm crying over that one. The limp is permanent. The pain is real lol.
On a more positive note......
I've decided to actually start writing the BOOK!! It's going to be published on demand rather than cut down a thousand trees, convert them to paper, add ink and print. Just to have massive stacks of books sitting around... They will be printed as they are ordered!! So it may take a few extra days to arrive.
Now give me a year to finish writing it.!
Kids are back in school, things are even more different than they ever were before. We have soooo much to talk about. The rains are coming and it's getting colder outside. You know I'll be sitting here writing to you.
I hope you grab your cup and join me once in a while. Love the company.
Got to go, time hasn't slowed down just yet.
Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.