July 10, 2019

Back to the Routine...

Nothing like a grilled steak, medium rare, mini yukons, smothered in butter and sour cream, garnished with steamed carrots.


I love to cook, and miss cooking for the herds. Baking was a favorite too.

Not much reason anymore when it's just 'for one'.

So this is a treat.

I found this 'pocket' cat bed. And Little MoJo fits just right.
Bart, MoJo and Cleo were stealing Sophia's blanket before, so I've had to start replacing cat beds. Now Bart can get laid down in this little pocket thing, after rolling around and causing me to crack up laughing. They have all been checking it out, except Gizmo. If you look really close, Bart and MoJo found a way to fit in it together.

 { I didn't want to use the flash and disturb them. }

Gizmo's been hanging out upstairs since he and Bart don't really get along. I pray daily for my daughter to find a house so Bart can go home. He misses her and the kids and Gizmo, needs his space back.

After adopting out the two horses and Buddy passing away, I have been going through my tack and gear... I have a BLUE  BRIDLE, 2 BLUE HALTERS, and a HACK A MORE. All together $40.00 , if anyone is interested. Local delivery FREE ~ Shipping $10.00. The hack a more alone is worth $50. I will have a couple cooling blankets and rain sheets after I get them cleaned...

 I had to save my chicken from the Eagle. the other morning. It was a scary event!

 I never realized how big the Eagles can get, mind you I've never been 10 feet away from an eagle before.

He managed to get one bite in on my chicken before I scared him away,  so she spent a couple days in the house getting antibody spray and special treatments.

You can't even tell she's been attacked.

I'm getting ready to start a new Bible study, a 13 lesson course. I plan to get student books soon so I can get a group class going. We'll have to figure out a way to do it on line without infringing copyrights, by posting materials...


I spoiled my only horse, StarBright, with a subscription to Saddlebox.... She loves the treats, I love the variety of cool stuff and my cats ...
LOVE THE BOX! It's a win win win situation.

My little family is getting settled into our new routine... 
Getting over the grieving....

How is your summer going ?
I hope life is treating you all well. 

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?