July 25, 2019

Being Prepared

I turn 55 this year
and I've been working on getting prepared.

Some people buy life insurance when they are young, others buy burial plots.
I'm paying for my cremation and making sure there's a plan for my animals.

You can buy caskets on Amazon now.

Years ago my ex's grandmother had written people's names on things that they had given her or that she wanted them to have. It helped a lot. I'm doing the same thing with some things.

I was 18 when my oldest and only sister was hit by a car and killed instantly. She left behind 3 young children.

My dad said burying a child was the hardest thing he'd ever been through.

I lost both my parents within 18 months of each other. I didn't get to go to either.
Never got the chance to grieve.

The pain of losing a parent hurts at all ages.

Life can be taken in an instant. Cherish the ones you love.

We all know the older you get the closer it gets...

It will eventually happen to everyone.

Getting spiritually prepared is most important .  We don't know what is next, we don't remember what was before....


There's a thought to ponder

Being prepared takes the burden off of everyone, during the time of grief. It's the last thing you can do for your loved ones.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time Stay safe and Happy Trails

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