July 30, 2019

Do you care?

When it comes to others feelings, where do you see yourself?

Of course it depends on the depth of the relationship.

Are you a good listener?
Or do you offer too much advice?

Are you

"Cold hearted"

"People pleaser"

"A good ear"

"Blabber mouth"...

How much we care about others, says a lot about us.

Do you apologize or just ignore the other person's feelings.
And go forward as if nothing happened. Knowing there will always be something not right between you.

Do you blame the other person or take responsibility for your actions.
Hold a grudge.
Or forgive.

Thoughts to ponder

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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