July 7, 2019

Handling Matters

No matter how hard we try, we all end up with some disagreement and negative situations in life.

Question is

How do you handle it?

Some people, like to ask questions and get answers directly from the source, before reacting.

Others fly off the handle, overreact and bulldoze through, making an ass of themselves with misguided information.

Walking away and just 'letting go' of what ever caused the strife between two, ending what ever relationship they had happens quite often between friends.

There seems to be a lot of disrespect from the younger generation towards their elders. In more recent years. Families are not what they used to be, what is called love now, is nothing of what love is supposed to be. Mind you, many younger peoples have been abused and grossly mistreated. Disrespect has been earned for some.

When you see something not right, do you try and talk to your friend/family member, just ignore it, or call the authorities behind their back? Or just let it be, even if a child is being hurt?

How many people are honestly 'truthful' with each other? Especially when it comes to a matter that differs. People of good character can usually take a fair amount of opinions and advice without offense. Where as those of a lesser character, get mad, get even or worse.

Today's world is full of back biting, gossip, and liars. Honest truthful and trusting friends and in laws are hard to come by. So when you find one, cherish the relationship.

Throughout the 11 year coarse of my first marriage, my 'friends' were limited to 'his family'. His brothers wife and I spent a lot of time together, I don't know if we were so much friends or two people trying to survive the same horrible family we had found ourselves in. We were different in many ways. Yet stuck in the same place. After the divorce, 

I had wrote a letter terminating our friendship basically.    I received a letter back {and I truly regret letting my daughter and her friend make corrections and return the letter. Not my finest moment}  A few years later my ex had surprised my kids with his announcement to marry a girl, a couple years older than our oldest child. This put my kids in an uproar. At their request a letter was written, proof read and sent.

Throughout my life, When I've found a matter incorrect with a business account, I write a letter to explain the problem and potential solutions. I've wrote my government letters regarding issues of major concerns and compliments on matters handled well.

My way of handling matters was always to 'write a letter'. If you didn't get it in a letter from me, I didn't say it.  {Not a very bad ass 'meany'..}

The pen is mightier than the sword

Most often times my letters get results that are positive, encouraging. Sadly, there have been a few with negative hurt feelings. Some people lack reading comprehension skills and that makes it a bad idea to write.  Others have bad listening skills and writing is the only way to get your message across.

However, I believe there have been far less negative results from letters, instead of the many misunderstandings that result from text/ email/ and yelling matches that peoples have.

The NOT TALKING ABOUT IT, people hurt others without saying a word and so often many things would be better if they had only talked it out.

Some can never man up and admit their mistakes, a poor way to handle matters. Others never let you forget ... they tell stories and talk about it inappropriately to people.

A very important aspect in life............
Something to think about.

Blessed  by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by, 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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