July 2, 2019


People never cease to amaze me.

I was recently informed by a family member that I have trolls here @ the bright side of the barn.

All I have to say is,


You have to love it when people hate you and they don't even know you. They only know the things they have heard from someone, that
A either doesn't know you at all, or
they themselves call that person a 'liar'.

Like everything they say about you is a lie, but what they say about me is the God's honest truth. LOL.

Bible warns us about gossip and backbiting. The one thing too many people are very good at. Being two faced, a regular thing now rather than a rare trait. Sadly, People spend so much time in other peoples business, they don't see the mess in their own.

Young people are getting over traumatized about it, now with social media's and the instant exposure.

I was advanced in school, considered 'smart' and the youngest person in high school ..... Believe me, I know what it's like...when people are jealous and try to drag your character down to their level.

I have spent my life being lied about and accused of things not becoming of my character. I find it humorous some of the things I'm said to be capable of. Especially the things completely impossible, but hey, who am I to condemn the fool that believes it.

A friend and I were talking about this very thing once, a while back. We came to the conclusion that we would have to be 3 people, one clone, capable of becoming invisible, and have super powers equal to at least two super heros to do all the things we've been accused of in our lifetimes .

You can't waste your time and spend your life running around trying to keep up with what people say about you. You will never catch up.

You have to spend your time, enjoying your life and being you.

Make sure your not making the same mistake about other people.

Check your facts, 

someone that wasn't actually there to see it for themselves, probably isn't telling you 'how it really went down'.

When a person doesn't actually know the person they are talking about, chances are they don't know what they are talking about.

People that are insecure about themselves will constantly talk bad about other people that they see as better than themselves.

When one person doesn't like someone, they tend to persuade their friends into not liking something about that person as well.

If you tell yourself a lie enough times, you will start to believe it's true.

God knows the truth, Live a life that will get you welcomed into heaven and you can't go wrong. Let the fools drown in their own lies.

We all have trolls in our lives.
Don't let them stop you from crossing the bridges to your dreams.

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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