July 26, 2019

Why blog

On the days I blog more frequently, I'm laying with my back on a heating pad.

 I'm not one to sit still and do nothing I don't go to movie theaters. I'd rather clean and watch a movie then sit there and twiddle my thumbs.

 Now so when I have to sit on the seat pad I blog.

About what?

Two marriages, four kids, two boys two girls. Two of my kids for easier than the other two - to raise. For totally different personalities.

Life is full of adventures we all have plenty to share.  some offer how to some show you beautiful places to go some are  information.

Here you find a lot of shitz and giggles random thoughts who knows what else you'll see over time.

For example when I think about kids I had four like I said 2 easier than the other. I think about my dad 1 of 19 kids how did his mom survive that many personalities.

( That's a story all it's own )

I think about all the kids and my cousins families of 10 or more. How they have such harmony. Their house always full and always warm and welcoming.

Then I think about how they have God at the center of their core. I look around at families now broken homes re matched families, we've come so far from God.

I believe in God and enjoy sharing the adventures of my journey to heaven which is where I hope to end up.

I believe miracles happen around us everyday I love sharing the blessings the struggles and everything in between.

Blogging for me gets it off my chest and out of my head. It's not that I'm upset or trying to piss off anyone.  Sometimes a blog can have multiple thoughts, even I get confused off topic. Many of us think we are alone in our struggles, yet there's always someone struggling harder. 

I struggle with depression and anxiety and both are often mistaken for the wrong feelings. My illness causes me to say things not the way they are meant. So blogging, writing and reading back help me not hurt or offend others as much as I do with my mouth.

My intentions are never to point the finger acts Superior or being a know-it-all. I merely share my thoughts and experiences whether they help or hinder depends on the reader. 

So while many are out enjoying the sun and warm weather I'm on medication it keeps me out of the sun and wreaks havoc in the heat so I lay on my heating pad yes a heating pad in the heat and blog.

Feel free to browse around I hope you enjoy your stay and hopefully we'll see you again soon.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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