August 10, 2019

Hello, it's been a few

We have our first eggs!!
I really need to get a chicken coop built now.

I've spent the last several weeks fishing with my grandson or loading my horse and hitting the trails, when my back allows.

Mind you fishing for me means, stringing his line, or unsnagging his line. I don't get a lot of fishing done.

Last night was a exciting night, we had a pretty good size one on the hook, while bringing it in the line broke.

He's officially a fisherman. He's had 2 small catch release and the one that got away.

My horse is getting better with the trailer. I still spend at least a half hour getting her to reload after the ride... But even that is down from an hour.

It's been different adjusting to the losses over the spring and summer. I have way less chores and more riding and plenty of fishing!!

So this is good.

I've been looking for a place to move to, my circumstances have changed and I need a better fit.

So hit me up if you know of anything.

Life is an ever-changing journey.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by and
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

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