December 11, 2019

I'm not a Material Girl

Many people would argue with me on this one......

My kids had everything they wanted, including their rooms done in their favorite characters, sheets, curtains the works. 
My livingroom, my youngest daughter would describe as 'the next cover of Better Homes and Garden. 
My kitchen full of Tupperware, and Princess House crystal....

And the kids grew up with a picture perfect life.... 
I'm laughing rolling on the floor now.

While I did strive to have everything as near perfect as possible, cleanness an OCD, our lives were far from picture perfect.

Once the kids grew and moved on, I shedded the material world.... Gave the kids all the heirlooms and things they wanted or needed to set up house and I worked my way into almost nothing and 

RV living.... 4 times over... 

I've done the travel trailer twice a class C once, while spending my time 'work camping' and 'camp hosting' at various places around our state. It's a great way to retire!!! and see the country, meeting people from everywhere... 
Imagine living at a Lighthouse!

I've settled down and started some roots, so my trailer doesn't need to move around as much. Currently and probably forever will be in my 35 foot 5th wheel. I love it!! Love it!!! Love it!! 
Cleaning house takes minutes, giving me more time to spend in the barn with my animals, in the garden with my fruits and vegetables and time to play with my amazing grand children..

All I really want for Christmas, Birthdays or any other day , maybe Mother's day....

  is a little piece of land.

I have my horse and horse trailer, 2 goats, great at brush clearing.... and 9 chickens, eggs for breakfast everyday!... A few fruit trees in pots and some berry bushes in pots..... Soon we'll find a piece of property to call our own, then the chicken coops will expand { as I am already known as the 'egg lady'}.. and Bee boxes and 'fresh honey' will be coming too.!

I started canning last year and can't keep a jar of Salsa in the house. So I'm hoping to build up a bigger garden... of course in POTS!

My life is mobile.

I can pack up my house in minutes by just pushing 2 buttons {bringing in the slides} and disconnecting a couple lines {water and electric} I come with my own holding tank and Honey Bucket contract lol. So I'm set!

Not the material girl everyone so thought!

A brief PS. The commenting section was not working, I was not aware of comments sitting in a pot waiting for approval...I apologize for the delays in posting.....

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by and 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?