December 1, 2019


Something I've been looking forward to since I met my first ex. His mother the worst I'd ever met.. of course her children followed suit. 
A gossiper is someone who talks eagerly and casually about other people. If you like to spread rumors and hear the latest news about your friends, you might be a gossiper. When you gossip, you talk enthusiastically about other people's news or business. To do this regularly is to be a gossiper.
Shortly after meeting this family my ex turned out to be as his mother. A diary I had thrown out was retrieved from the garbage and read, violating my privacy. To make matters worse, a book written in code in the event my mother found it, was spoken about repeatedly, causing many lies to be told about me.
He likes to tell people he doesn't do drama, yet he is the drama in so many lives. His mother s immaturity and disrespectful nature, doesn't fall far from the tree.
His new wife who was a mere infant and unknown to the family during our time, later chose to embellish the stories and instead of getting to know my children, this was her conversation.  Showing them no respect causing them to dislike her immediately. She knew nothing of the violence their father impossed on their lives and to share their father's lies was too much at the time.
We all agreed ( the children and I) it was amazing how he claimed to remember nothing, yet she claimed to know everything? 
My life had been kept private after the divorce until my children grew up. They will never understand why I didn't want them living with me, if they were associating with their dad. They will never know what's going on with my health in depth, merely the obvious I have no choice but to share. My emergency contact is someone unknown to all given very specific instructions before any of them contacted. I have vowed to maintain my privacy in death. 

So before you go running your mouth about someone, imagine if they started sharing your life...

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by and
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

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