January 30, 2020


All you can do is try. You hope, you pray, and when opportunity arises, you try. When you love someone, you don't give up. Sometimes you let go. You don't always have a choice. That doesn't mean you quit. You keep praying and you hope for Miracles to happen. Love, can create miracles.

So love.

You can't change the past, you can only live in the present and try to have a better future. Sometimes, you have no control over things, and things happen. Life isn't fair and we don't always understand. Sometimes you make mistakes, do things wrong. Doesn't mean it's the end. Love and forgiveness are powerful forces.

So forgive.

There are so many people alone in the world. No one to help, care or understand. Too many people left to fend for themselves, when we should be caring for each other. How are you going to feel if it should happen to you? What would you do, if you had no one?

So care.

We all get hurt. We all hurt others. Whether it's intentional or accidental. It happens. Feelings get hurt. Relationships of any kind are not perfect. We are human, we make mistakes. We can't let the pain, shatter our whole heart.

So heal.

Love has amazing power. Love can overcome. Love can heal. It's the month of love, so let's think about all the different kinds of love. The warm fuzzy feelings. Let's melt the hate that is so cold in our world today.

Show someone some love

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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