February 12, 2020

Beautiful Weather

Everyone here at the barn has been loving the weather... Could do for a bit warmer, but oh so beautiful! And for 2 days we had NO RAIN. The animals have gotten to be outside for the last couple of days and they are loving it. I've noticed the river is calming down a bit, that's always good. I tend to worry about the fertilizers and other chemicals that end up back in the rivers after a flood. Wonder what it's doing to the fish and my next catch, lol.
It's so nice to get to work outside or in the barn. Watch the animals play. Things are starting to pop up in the pots, that means spring flowers coming soon!
Speaking of coming soon,
Baby chicks will be hatching and on their way..... Oh, I can't wait! Have to start thinking about the nursery. Heat lamp, chick grit, and the tub...
Still have a chicken barn to build and a fence, for the older chicks, but we'll get it done.
I've been doing much better. X rays next week, we'll see how well I'm doing. I'm hoping to get released to ride, so we can hit the trails. My pony is getting a bit chubby.
Mystery shops and on site inspections have been keeping me busy, and I'm pooped. I hope everyone is getting a bit of beautiful weather.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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