He's home! After careful consideration, I spent the $150 to have him hauled up the hill and home. It was the wise choice in the end. His first trailer ride was really scary and someone was able to ride with him in the cargo area, so he wasn't alone. A small scratch on his leg and forehead and he's all in one piece!
{Polaris} I'll let you google it to see what it means you don't already know.
He's just 1 year old and has never been anywhere but where he was born and now home with me.
His mother was white and about as big as Star Bright, and they are unsure of which of the stallions were his father. {This is one of the many rescue horses from the "Hoarding" story that broke last fall}. His winter coat was white with a black under tone, and he seems to be somewhat roan? I have seen the stallions that are possible, so as he grows we'll be able to figure it out.
He will be seeing the Vet in a couple weeks, Gelding is important, as I have two mares! Be responsible with rescues! Please.
He's never been abused, injured or 'damaged' in any way. This is a chance to have a horse from start to finish and raise it right. Never had such a privilage.
#inthebarnyard #lovemyhorses #horsetraining
Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay Healthy and Happy Trails