October 5, 2020

The Best Advice


When it comes to horses, everyone has their "way" of training or taming. When a 'new' person comes along, advice comes in all shapes and sizes and from all directions. Everyone just wants to help. Sometimes, it's overwhelming. So much advice too fast can cause a person to lose their own confidence.

Just like people, every horse has a personality, and a past. They form relationships with other horses and with people. Sometimes they don't like a person and sometimes they love a person.

The best advice I could give, is listen to all the advice everyone gives you. Take what sounds good and let go of the rest. Trust your own instincts and how your horse responds to you. Your the one that needs to feel confident and safe with him/her. Your the one going to be riding.

I personally, probably have the most untrained trained horse out there. All my horses are allowed to express themselves, yet they are expected to have manners. There's a balance. 

#lovemyhorses, #training, #beyourself

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails. 

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