October 24, 2020

Trick or Treat? a thing of the past.

 The rain had ice in it Friday morning and you could smell the snow. It's getting so cold outside. I do believe it is colder than last fall this time. Although I do recall Halloween being a miserable night last year. 

I'm wondering if there will be any trick or treating? ole school. 

In the past few years the traditions have died in many ways. Less people decorated, or participated in handing out candy. The evils out there were starting to outweigh the good, many tragic stories filled the news the following mornings. 

For safety reasons, many folks had already changed things up to some sort of 'trunk or treat'? I never did totally catch on to that one. Churches held parties and malls were promoting a way of cashing in on the treating. The good ole door to door, has been dying. 

And now we have a virus that has everyone wearing masks all the time. Who wants to put on a mask for Halloween. What's the point of make up if you have to put the mask over it, and social distancing is going to be interesting......

You know you're old if you remember 'popcorn balls' and 'candy apples' being handed out. Or being invited in for hot cocoa if they had run out of candy.... How about the days of using a pillow case to collect your candy and having to go home and get a second one, because the first one was getting too heavy. 

I remember getting so much candy one year, I still had candy the following Halloween. {my mom made me toss it out before I could go trick or treating}

What will 2020 bring? Is it time to rethink the celebration? 

I've heard rumors that some places are not going to allow trick or treating and you could be fined? I've heard other places talk about creating shoots to send the candy out to the street so kids don't have to come up on the porches. 

There isn't very many yards decorated this year so far. . I guess we'll see what the night brings.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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