October 26, 2020

True Colors & Real People


You can usually feel within your guts, if someone is being honest or true. A persons actions can be an obvious image of their character. Then of course there is the way people think.

People truly give themselves away and show their true colors by the way they think - that - Other people think. 

Thieves will be worried about getting ripped off,

simply because it's how they think, and most ignorant people, think that everyone thinks like they do. 

Most two faced people, think that everyone will double cross them, simply because they double cross everyone every chance they get. 

Ever had someone talk and bash someone else that you both know. Then wonder how they talk about you when they are with that person and your not around?

Pay attention to people's behavior and actions. People truly do, show their true colors with their actions and their words. 

If someone's worried that your going to burn down their house, it's probably because they want to burn down yours.

Some folks take you for who you are, and accept you for who you are. 
Real people tend to attract real people and can see through the fake pretty quickly. Good people don't usually like hanging around people that like to cause trouble. ... 

The older you get, the more you figure people out. And then, there is always someone that's going to do something to make you say ~

"I thought I had seen it all".

 Know who your friends are. & remember, You attract what you project.

#morals, #values, #realpeople, 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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