November 10, 2020

Just a thought or two ...

 I'm stumped and I'm not the only one. 

The election, .... The blue won? You voted for that crap really?

Washington state, Oregon and California were of the last polls to open and almost of the first to announce the winners? 

Are we that much better at math that we can count accurately at nominal rates? And have results pretty much at the time the polls closed if not before? 

Something isn't right....

We will see how this all turns out...... there is a bit of controversy stirring.


So many thoughts spinning through our heads these days.



Christmas .... oh and Christmas shopping?

yep it's that time of year again.... Get out the list!  We are having another new addition to our family list this year. Exciting news! 

I absolutely, just Had to start putting up the Christmas lights last weekend. It's been such a heavy year, Much loss and sorrow for many. 

We need to have the upbeat happy bright lights and festive spirits early ... Especially for the kids, and the little bit of kids in all of us. 

Social distancing has come between family and friends, 

for many of us borders closed and we are closed off from loved ones. So many travel plans greatly altered and many cancelled. 

It's going to be a different kind of Christmas this year.... 

while getting ready, I've been cleaning, yep, 

I've been cleaning and organizing.... still, however this time we worked our way into the closet. You know the one.... The closet where you throw everything in, as your moving into the house and talk about getting back to it to sort out later.

Later has arrived. And a few more things have got to go! 

For Sale

Small electric blower $15.00

Medium folding kennel/cages.
I have 2 - $40 each or both for $75

can you tell I don't like having yard sales?

#😎 #thoughts to ponder, #election2020,#government, #lifeordeath,#forsale,#forthekidssake,

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn,
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?