November 4, 2020

Now we wait.


I really don't see how the blue is in the lead? 

** Let's talk mail in ballots. Just for a minute.

Personally I think they should have to be mailed early enough that they are delivered to the ballot location prior to election day. 

Opened at 12:01 am and counted election day with the in person ballots and the results at midnight election night. 


If your going to get the opportunity to mail in your ballot be responsible and mail it in early, better yet drop it in a ballot box!! 

I know I'm disappointed in my state on many issues. 

It's really no wonder we have so much drug addiction, homelessness and devastation in our state.

The same people have been running the show for years, and it shows. 

How much worse it'll look after another 4 years?

The city of Auburn ~

~ is more interested in putting pretty pictures on the electric boxes and bettering the sidewalk corners

 {I guess so the shopping carts have an easier time crossing the streets?} 

~ than they are in dealing with their homelessness, drug problems, and the revolving doors of the justice system. 

Seattle ~

 is a dump. Straight up.

~ Washington has gone down hill so much.

So sad

Thank you Inslee, and here's another 4 years to screw it up more. 

Blessed by God
It's Life @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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