November 12, 2020

Wild Cat Alert!!!

 I went to feed my babies yesterday morning,

of course, StarBright was waiting at the gate

She loves having a big field to run in and a lot of friends to play with!

While I was bringing her out the gate for breakfast, I noticed Lil Sugar had something red on her back. After tying up StarBright I walked back into the field and around the other side of Sugar to find...

The vet said 3-4 inch canine teeth holes. 
Cougar attack most likely!!!

I really hope the horses defended her well enough that the cat won't come back. That opening is the size of a dinner plate.

Imagine the size of the cat. ... 4 inch teeth!....

She's going to be okay. 

This was the only injury and the only horse that appears to be attacked. 

We're so lucky! It could have been so much worse.

#cougarattack, #lovemyhorses, #lifeinthecountry

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?