February 16, 2021

Let it go

When a certain kind of people accuse you of things, they are exposing their own mentality. The way they think is the way they think everyone else's mind works as well. 

That's why some of us, just can't imagine, why some people do the things they do.

When we've been wronged, some think of revenge, others think of forgiveness, and yet others, just move on. . . Like all the other events in life, it becomes just another memory. A good story to tell, later in life. 

I've heard it said many, many times. . . .  If they would only put that much effort into doing something good, look at how far they would have gotten. 

Holding a grudge and plotting revenge, only destroys your own being. Quite often such events, back fire and end up costing you more in one form or another. Too often they make a person look foolish in the end. 
Talking about things often helps one let it go. The ultimate solution is to be able to talk to the other person and come to a resolve. But not everyone is interested in getting along, so you often have to find your own way to overcome and let go of things. 

It doesn't always mean your holding a grudge, when you remember NOT to trust someone that's wronged you. It might simply mean, your not interested in getting wronged again, so you don't give them your trust this time around. 

Life's too short to hang on to the negative. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
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Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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