March 20, 2021

Lookin Good

 My babies are shedding! That's a sure sign of spring. Now if someone would just come up with the million dollar idea on what to do with all that fur.

We need to find out if Lil Star is a Mini Horse, or a POA {Pony of America} horse. Possibly even part Shetland?  She sure is a cute lil one. Such a loving personality too. We've come along way in the last year. And she's almost ready to saddle up! 

Polaris is a GURU/APPALOOSA cross. He's getting whiter and it looks like spots! He'll be back at the rescue at the end of the month for a solid month of serious training with the trainer on site. I'm looking for someone that wants a young jumper, or other competitive horse. He's got it in him.

StarBright is gaining her weight back and the bite marks are starting to fade. She's shedding like crazy, and getting her beautiful deep chestnut color! 

It's almost warm enough for a bathe!!!! And we have a hot wash at the new barn.

We all are loving the new barn. I sleep better at night knowing that they are in a barn out of the weather at night. Where no predators can get to them. 

The view around Enumclaw is beautiful and they can even see Mt Rainier on a pretty day. The nearby trail has been fun to explore the couple times we've gotten out. Looking forward to many more adventures as the weather improves..

I hope everyone has an amazing adventure this weekend. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?