March 7, 2021

Miss Sophia


She hasn't been feeling well lately. The cough has been going on for about a year now. She's 14 and starting to feel her age. It didn't help that she was in the accident with me. I believe it knocked both of us out. She was thrown across the truck. So much has happened since. 

She loves her kitties. After Buster passed away, I decided no more dogs. Sophia waited years to be the number one dog and she's had the privilege for a few years now. The cats and her play together quite a bit, they sleep together too. 

 Last winter she had a pretty hard coughing attack and ended up spitting up blood for quite a while. After the whole event she didn't have her cough for a while. Now tonight, I noticed the blood in the water bowl again. Not nearly as much, nor was the attack as bad, but it was still another attack. 

There isn't much the vet can do, I'm not interested in torturing her with surgeries and the stress of it all, even if there was a cure. She's always been a very anxious dog and it's been important not to have her stressed out. She's lived a long happy life and I intend to let her finish it as such. 

It's just hard when it gets to this time. . You learn to enjoy all the time you have left. One minute she's a spry little puppy again the next she's sleeping. And she does sleep a lot. 

I can't imagine life without fur babies? 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
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Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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