March 15, 2021

Tweaking the Sites

Bright side of the Barn has been getting a new look, adding more resources and connecting to a few other blogs of interest that I follow. A lot of new stuff down towards the bottom. .. 

Also, Be sure to check out the new tabs up top. A new site for  'Schoolin' is under way! Not much yet in the blog itself, however, the links list of materials has been growing rapidly. 

It seems our world is changing and 'not going back to normal'. So, for the sake of the new normal, we all must make adjustments. 

Let's not lose our children's education in the process. There are so many ways to teach your children without 'school'. If I've said anything repeatedly, it's READ TO YOUR CHILDREN. Teach your children to read by reading to them. Teach them to understand what you/they are reading. You will be giving your child the ability to learn anything and everything their heart desires. 

READING and READING COMPREHENSION. The real keys to success. 

Another tab that might peak an interest or two, is the 'Today's Picture'. With Papa's help, we've been uploading several of the cool pictures we've taken over the years on our family adventures. I'm sitting here looking at 3 USB with different capacities, all full - of pictures.... 

Remembering the 'good ole days'.

 Something cool to consider for the 'retirement' years, is CAMP HOSTING. This is where you live in your RV, usually free rent/utilities. Sometimes additional pay, to 'host' a campground, or tourist monument. There are also several other ways to live in your RV and camp host, at Dude Ranches, Major RV parks.... The possibilities are endless. 

I have a thing for Light houses and I've spent a few years living in a variety of RV's. One of my favorite "Life" experiences, was to live at the Grays' Harbor Lighthouse, in Westport Washington. For a few weeks one spring I was there to run the gift shop and give tours - up the lighthouse to the lens room! I even met a real lighthouse keeper from Ireland, on this Amazing adventure! 135 steps up at least 10 times a day, talking all the way. { I learned a lot about lighthouses and the area }

You have to learn how to WALK - TALK - AND BREATHE at the same time.

I got over my fear of heights, 
and had to rescue a couple people who got scared ~ 

cause it's a long way down!

Life is an adventure ~ Don't be afraid to live it! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping  by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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