I've been spending my evenings sorting out pictures and cleaning up USB's. Be sure to check out Today's Picture, lot of new photos going into the pot. Eventually we'll get it onto an upload each morning. Currently it's a mix of older pictures and new prints. Always something new!!! to capture. Papa and the grandson have 'camera's' for their bikes and we're heading out on the trail today. Who knows, maybe the Bright side of the Barn will start a YouTube channel. Apparently I already have one from way back when we posted a short video of Lil Star. We'll have to work on fixing it up a bit more personal.
A renewed old hobby/habit, I recently went back to the Geocaching.com website and my old profile is gone, but still in the listing as I still have travel tags going around the world. Very impressive!!! I have to restart a new profile and my hunting records are to begin from scratch again.... Oh well. Fun is Fun, obviously it's more fun if your willing to do it again. Come join in the hunt! Create your profile and Look for me ~
WestcoastWetpaws is now 3HorseAddict.