March 11, 2021

Yellow~ The first color of Spring

It is finally arriving! Spring, right outside the door. Love it, can't wait to see more. The fragrance will be soon to follow. 

Jasmine is planted in the front, eventually need to get larger pots, but for now, they can get started and settle in. The vines are hopefully going to wrap up and frame out the front porch. 

Meanwhile, everyone is lounging around enjoying the warmth and sunshine... Spring... St. Patrick's Day, Daylight savings time, Easter just around the corner... It all starts now.

Next to the flowers blooming my favorite part of spring, is the warmth. No more feeling chilled to the bones. Even in Enumclaw, where the horses are. Enumclaw is a plateau at the foot of Mt Rainier, and the winds there are cold enough to freeze you in place.

Grand kids have been here the last couple nights. I love the company. 
Summer vacations coming soon! Wonder how many family reunions there is going to be this year, with the covid crap going on.? Zoom reunions? Why not, we're doing the zoom weddings and funerals.

Crazy new world we live in. At least things like spring, are consistent and we can count on what comes next.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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