I went to the doctors the other day. She says I've come a complete 360 from where I was when we met almost a decade ago.
My mental health...
well, I have my mind back.
Now that could be dangerous for a few others, it's good news for me.
The last therapist left the office almost a year ago. I refused to start over. This was the 3rd time around with a new therapist, starting back at the beginning and moving forward. This one was awesome. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was getting the right advice. I was able to 'get over' a lot of mountains in my life. I haven't needed to go back.
Someday, I hope to run into her again and let her know, she was a life changer. I hope where ever she went she stayed in the profession, because there are not that many good therapists out there.The BIG difference in my life, the one thing that has helped me heal in so many ways.....
The one thing that has helped me the absolute most to 'overcome' my mountains, 'endure' the situations life throws on us, and 'keep going' to find true 'happiness' ....
Age plays a factor, but it doesn't determine the facts in life.
Angels come in the form of horses and carry you on their wings.