July 7, 2021

Miss Sophia


The last couple years have been rough. There's been a couple occasions I made the appointment with the vet, only to cancel. She just didn't seem ready to go. The kittens have been a blessing and they love their 'kitty mum' a lot. Even with as sick as she is, at the end of the day they both are laying close to her to sleep. 

The last couple days have been really rough, last night I thought we wouldn't see this morning. She's hanging in there. I know it's getting close now. As long as she doesn't seem to be in pain or uncomfortable, I'm respecting nature and God's will. We pray every day. 

There are no words to describe what the last 14 years have been like with her at my side. Through it all. 

Blessed by God
Life's peaceful @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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