July 23, 2021



Yep, there are things I wish I did differently. 

Yep, there were times I wasn't the best person I could have been.

Yep, there were mistakes along the way.

Yep, if I could - there are things I'd redo.

You can't change the past. You can't go back and undo anything. Your words can haunt you forever, or put you on a different path. Your mistakes can cost you and they usually do. 

With each passing event we grow. With the joy, the pain and the unexpected, we learn. With each new relationship we gain. We prepare, we plan and we live. Life happens. 

NOT everything according to plan. You can't 'change' someone else. You can't 'fix' someone else. You can't do it 'by yourself'. But you can 'get through it' on your own. 

I can't undo, or redo. But I can do my best right now.
Focus forward.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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