July 21, 2021

Should have known

 Well I should have known, it wasn't going to be any different. 

I've put myself in a negative situation that has made me most miserable as of lately. It's very negative, often overwhelming. I gave up on quitting smoking for the time being. It's just easier to 'go have a cigarette', giving myself a minute. I've managed to keep my depression from getting involved, so this is good. 

This too shall pass, meanwhile, I'm working my butt off to overcome some of the financial burdens that need eliminated. So many inspection reports to upload, I don't feel much like sitting here writing or scrolling feed lines after the work is done. Forgive me. I love and miss most all. 

All day driving to and fro, my back has issues with the sitting........ and there is a Doctor appointment coming up Thursday. I usually get quiet around then. I deal with my medical issues alone. I have no family support or shoulder to lean on. So sometimes, Doctor appointments are a bit hard to look forward to. 

Things will improve and I'll be back to regular posts soon...

Summer is always a hard time to sit around when it's so much nicer to be outside doing things. That and I just haven't had my private time to contemplate things.. giving me nothing to write about. As I don't like to bitch or complain.

I have a lot on my plate and not much help to clear it. So days are long and nights are short. I'm pretty worn out and in a fair amount of pain by the end of the day.

Complaining is not my specialty - I hear so much of it, I just can't add to the pot. I'm a positive happy person and feeling the hopelessness and negativity has just been a series of feelings I haven't wanted to share. I guess I don't spread them onto anyone else. I already feel like this has breached the line of explanation to complaint.

Why the need to explain myself? There isn't one really. I just felt the need to be courteous seeing as how we have accumulated so many followers !!! Welcome one and all and be sure to stick around for better days to come! 

So, once again encouraging words to ponder..

keep breathing, make sure to stop and smell the flowers, and enjoy some summer!!!! 

Fear not, I'll be back soon. The crazy is starting to fit into a routine.

I haven't even been able to spend the time I want to spend with the horses@!!! UGH....

 However, I did sign us up for a weekend get away with the Back Country Horsemen of Washington, in October******..... 

Stay tuned for the surprises behind the scenes on that note*********

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?