September 15, 2021

A Thought or two to Ponder

The Bible tells a story where Jesus mentions that "two will be walking, one will be taken and one left behind."

I remember when I was young, I had older cousins. One had a hump on his back and he walked hunched over. I remember being told he had gotten Polio when he was young. ...

As the story goes...

The boys had to cross a ditch of water on their way home. The older brother put his little brother on his shoulders and walked through the ditch. He was submersed in the water past his waist, while his little brother only got his feet wet.

Turns out the Polio was in the water. It was the little brother that came down with it and remained humped backed the rest of his life. While the older brother was not even affected.

To Vax or not Vax...

Seems that if your chosen to get the virus, your going to get it with or without a vaccine. Seems if your meant to survive it - you will. If it's your time to go, there isn't much a vaccine will do to stop it. 

We are living in a new world. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
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Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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