September 6, 2021

Labor Day Weekend

I hope everyone had the chance to spend some time with family this weekend.... The stars are beautiful tonight where I live.. Nice way to end summer and officially start acting like it's fall. 

It used to be school started TOMORROW, FOR EVERYONE. Not some last week and some next week and some last month.... We used to be united in so many ways. It made it so much easier for families when they moved, to make the adjustment to a new place. Made it easier for teachers to adapt as they moved up in their role, as an educator and role model at a new school..

A couple years ago when this 'pandemic' started and they said.. "two weeks", I told you it wasn't going to be any 'two weeks', I warned you about the ongoing outcome..... 

While it's nice kids are going back to school they are talking about it like they are getting the illness now... When really, they have been so isolated that their bodies need to rebuild the common immunes. 

I told my grandson, your internal scientists haven't had to work while you've been in isolation, so it's going to take a bit for them to start fighting the local germs...from other kids in general. Your going to get a bit sick at the beginning of the school year.... This used to be a part of 'normal'.

The weekend was a great chance to enjoy some events like 'normal'.

 However I don't understand the 'masks'..

 You see... I work back in 'retail'. 

Money - products - cleaning.... My hands go through hell, meanwhile all the mask does is prevent me from breathing clean air. Makes it hard to talk and understand others, causes you to inhale cotton fibers.......  

A new normal, all the way around.

My 'new life' is finally settling into a new normal schedule. Between life and work..  I'm still working on the routine with the horses on the nights I work late. And I really don't know what a day off is. As I'm still a Notary and schedule appointments on my 'day's off', as well as watch the kids and take care of the plants and house.

BUT on the up side of things. I love having my grandkids...... and , 

I got to have the boys on Sunday, watched them for my oldest daughter while she worked... 2 of my grandsons and a great grandson. And I get to see a couple more tonight, my youngest grandson and another little granddaughter, while I go to my youngest daughters so she can go to work @  2 am. I'll take them to school in the morning.

It's my day off and the goal is to go see my son's daughter. That little granddaughter is home schooling K-12 this year... I can't wait to hear all about it! 

So, with everything coming into the 'fall routine' and 'school year'.... I hope to get back to the blogging on a regular basis again. "Today's Quotes" and the other little things I used to do..... 'normally'.

I truly hope everyone had an amazing summer and may the future bring blessings to you and yours.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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