September 29, 2021

When it rains it pours.

 The furnace didn't work when we moved in and we celebrated a year just in time to have the storm take out the furnace again just couple weeks ago.... as it gets colder, we are without heat waiting for repairs.

Sometimes it really feels like there is a storm cloud overhead that never stops raining.... of course... when it rains it pours.

 My beloved horse has a sore on her underside that no one has experienced before. I can't even find a google similarity to get a clue about it. So yes, it's going to be a healthy vet bill. She'll have to be sedated so they can flip her over to see it. The treatment..... medications... I'm trying to work on the extra money to be prepared before the appointment.

Extra Money?

 Mind you we still have a car needing to get to the shop and get fixed. The double driving is wearing out the other car and ME!!  More bills to catch up and I don't think I'll ever know what it feels like to be caught up or on top of it all.  

 This 'working' for someone and not having control of my schedule has affected me in many ways. The extra money is always nice, even though it doesn't really feel like we're getting ahead. I've missed out on the grandkids completely for almost 2 months. I'm not getting to spend near as much time as I'd like to with the horses... my house is not the clean I like it to be....

 So, no, sometimes I don't think it's all worth it. I really do prefer to work for myself and be able to schedule life around my time with the grandkids. 

I recently bought several new games after hearing about the things they are trying to take out of school. Seems kids need all the help they can get to make sure they learn what's important...

Around here we enjoy game nights and board games..... The SimplyFun games are fantastic at helping teach many subjects... We have a lot of fun and Everyone learns something new every time. 

Now to find the time to play!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by, 
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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