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October 8, 2022

Life's Plan


I found this poem on a plaque years ago when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter. During a time that I was attending a local church and asking quite a few questions about the 'God' they worshipped, and how He differed from the other churches 'God's'.

For some reason this stuck with me throughout my life. That was some 30+ years ago. I struggle with trusting anyone or anything to have control over my life. 

Learning to trust God? That wasn't going to be easy. How do I know this is the right God?

Ask God to show you the truth and you'll see more than you expected!!

I've learned over the years, that sometimes what doesn't make sense now, comes to make sense later on. I've seen life go full circle in some situations, and end abruptly in others. I have seen so much of what "Isn't fair", "unjust" and "they didn't deserve that".... I understand why so many think these things are God's fault. 

It's Funny to me, how some folks, don't believe in God any other time of life, except to blame Him when things happen. Or when totally desperate in a situation, they reach out "Oh God help us"... 

My life plan, turned out to be nothing close to what I had ever wanted or hoped for, or even worked for. Where I am is no where near where I wanted to be. Where I had dreamed of being. 

There came a point in life where I shut off my dreams. Some would say I gave up, and I did feel that way at times. Others would say I opened my ears and started following my heart. Therapists will call you crazy if you say yes, you hear voices in your head. But yes, the little voice inside got loud.

Today. I'm where I am and it's okay. It's been a learning experience to get here. I've learned to let go and trust God,. after all, He seems to know what He's doing. I do still tend to meddle sometimes. And it's never proven to be beneficial. Patience is my weakness. 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
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Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.