I believe we've talked about this one before, possibly a couple times.
I think early on in the 'covid' experience we talked about the changes taking place worldwide and how much we all don't like to change.
CHANGE takes us out of our 'comfort zone', makes us open ourselves up to new experiences, tastes, people, etc.
If we're not careful, the 'change' might even cause 'change' in ourselves.
I'm not sure how 'things WORK' in their home country, but their 'work ethics' for our country leave you wondering if they have ever had a job, know how to work, or have any self pride in the results of their work.
Both young men pretty much walked into our store with the attitude that they are somehow 'new management' and not expected to 'do the work'. Mind you they love to stand behind the register and interact with the customers. Or 'play' in the 'backside' of the computer/register which jams up the registers when you have customers....
BEFORE - Even though there were only 3 of us, we got the work done. The store 'looked good', floors were clean, garbage cans empty, kitchen clean and food prepped and prepared properly. Coolers stocked FIFO, faced forward. Shelves were full of the customers favorite products.
NOW - The garbage gets 'pushed down' when you tell them they need to dump the garbage. The floors don't get mopped {one fella complains his back hurts} and the store is looking grungy. I don't know how well the dishes are getting washed on the nights my girls don't work. I know the kitchen garbage is stinking with yesterdays food scraps when I come in @ 5 AM. Garbage Not taken out at all.
It used to be there were products like the little energy shots, cigarettes and chew, loaded under the counter so we could refill and restock the racks as needed. Now all of that is locked in the office and only available when the owner comes in. Hence, we run out of a brand of cigarettes, chew or shots and customers get disappointments.
We've run out of many of the customer favorites, shelves are looking bare. We rearrange and stretch the products to make the shelves look as full as possible. So many regulars have quit coming in, because we DON'T HAVE IT.
It feels somewhat like these 'guys' were not even hired to work but to 'watch us'. The fact that we are no longer 'trusted' in our own environment has caused much disturbance in the 'force'. The new owner mentions that he wants 'team thinking' yet his people present themselves as 'superior'. They don't listen to the girls, they don't follow instructions and they just don't seem to care if they get it right or not.
Ugggh! CHANGES suck!
I was only temporary helping the previous owner out. When the store sold, I thought I would be done and able to move forward into my retirement. The new owner asked me to stay a couple weeks... It's been nearly a month. His guy can't get there by 5 AM, coming in anywhere from 6, 6:30, 7 even as late as 8 AM.
So to prevent the store from losing any more customers - I'm still there 5 AM TO 8 AM - Mon thru Thurs. It has to OPEN on TIME.