March 15, 2023

It's been 32 YEARS !! and counting..


And we are about as different as the 2 cups! 

We met 32 years ago today. March 15th 1991. 

We were like best friends for 9 years and 1 month.

Then we got married..........

After raising 5 kids {4 mine 1 his} for 9 years together.....

as soon as we got married - 

BOTH of our EX'S took us to court and accused us of CHILD ABUSE on the youngest 2 of the 5.  
{Two different counties - costing us double the expenses with attorneys and court costs} 
You see, now that we were married - our incomes were COMBINED! Making what we would have to pay in child support a MUCH HIGHER number that what they were supposed to be paying to us. Between the 2 of them they OWED US ALMOST $100,000.00!! in back support at that time. 

{BUT - I'm accused of always wanting the money - WHAT MONEY? }

WE WON our kids back. 

THE CHARGES WERE DROPPED and our EX'S were seen as vindictive an destructive.


Too many people choose to believe we ABUSED our children. ONLY 2 OF THEM. 

Needless to say our 23 years of marriage HAVE BEEN HELL.

WE LOST EVERYTHING because of them and their shit. Many friends have walked out or been shut out of our lives. Our family has been a roller coaster ride of emotions, good and bad. We are not all CLOSE - some of us haven't been around the rest in the 23 years since.

We haven't always been TOGETHER during these 32 years. We've stayed friends. We've stayed family {at least him with my kids and I} His family treats my kids and I like we don't exist. They always have. 

It was ugly for a while. Finally a doctor, the right medications and GOD,  It got pretty UGLY there for a while. 

Now his physical health is a struggle.


you dream about. But it's been okay. Considering all we've been through, we are lucky we are still alive. 

But hey - KEEP GOING! 

There are so many wonderful memories mixed up in there... 4 kids, 10 grandkids, 4 great grandkids.... 

It's an okay life. Blessed in many ways, we've all grown stronger and wiser. Some of us closer than before. I can't imagine the last 32 years without him around.... regardless of how the ride was. 

So today 

we celebrate 32 years TOGETHER ..

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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