March 4, 2023

Mark the Calendar


For those that haven't heard, Simply Fun Games no longer offers a direct sales program. Now, you can sign up with an affiliate link and get a small discount on your own purchases. For folks like me that rely on direct sales to supplement our income, affiliate links don't complete the mission.

Now I will take a minute to inject here that 'affiliate links' do help, they do pay or benefit a discount. I've connected with multiple companies and add their links to my blog/websites, every penny counts in my world. 

Now, back to the point.... With Simply Fun no longer an option, I had to go on a mission to locate a new company that offers direct sales, with a product I love, that would fit into my area and the events that I typically sign up for. 

Just before Christmas, I signed up with TOUCHSTONE CRYSTAL and Swarovski crystals  jewelry! I've loved the product for years and the start up was beneficial in product {$99 and over $400 in jewels}. 

So I'm now an independent distributor of Touchstone Crystals. ... 

Visit my site and browse around! If you see more than 3 things you want, let me know and we'll hook you up with a 'catalog'/'online' party so you can get some of them FREE~!!  Most folks just want to share a catalog with a few friends... and still end up with more FREE jewelry than they expected!! 

Meanwhile, for the local folks, friends and neighbors...

Mark your calendar and come on down to Auburn WA. 

I'll be set up at the Auburn Outlet Mall near the food court. Lot of beautiful new pieces with plenty of extra Easter goodies! 

Pick one Easter egg with each item purchased and you could get as much as $10 off that item!!! 

Hope I see you there! 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?