March 7, 2023


 It would seem, we are officially a CAT RESCUE. 

And have been for years.....

Gizmo will be 13 this year! and Cleo is almost 10!

Everybody loves Chanelle!
Tux and Sylvester were raised by our Min Pin Sophia 
before she passed a year ago Christmas.
Chanelle is the new Barker!

Gizmo loves the beds!

Tux and Sylvester are brothers and just celebrated their 2nd birthday! 

Cleo and Charlie were the only girls!

This little fellow came knocking and stayed for about 3 weeks 
until we located his owners and they were reunited!!

Everyone loves lounging around...

We are currently trying to raise money for 
He seems to be having issues with 
gaining weight and keeping weight on ...

Felico's friend was hit by a car, so he started hanging out in our yard.
Next he was at the window, but he wouldn't come in the door.
So one day, I opened the window and he came bouncing in.
He played so hard that day that he slept the entire next day.
He's now 1 year with us..

And Chanelle is perfectly fine with that since she likes to be the ONLY dog. {She's also the smallest one of the bunch}

 Whether we choose to help a particular one in need, or one chooses us by coming to the door and coming in. Or someone calls and asks if we can take in just one more .... or maybe a couple kittens....

{We have bird feeders just outside and They love watching the birds out the windows}


 We have went from just a couple cats to as many as 7, no 8 no... I think there has actually been over a dozen at one time. Some come and stay forever. Others find their peoples and are reunited. And there are those that come and stay for a few months to a year, then go out one day and just don't come back. 

 Those are the hardest. 

We think about Charlie every day...

 I didn't wake up one day and say "This is what I want to do". It's just worked out this way. 

 Crazy Cat people...

So here we are... 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn 
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?