March 21, 2023

The A B C's of LIFE

 B - Birth

 B - Baby years

 C - Childhood 

~ making the most memories, time seems to stand still. 

 then come the 

 T - Teens

 T - Twenties

 T - Thirties

~ Time starts moving faster before you know it the 

 F - Forties

 F - Fifties

 ~ Your moving slower but time seems to FLY by and Skip to the 

 S - Sixties

 S - Seventies

if your still going Strong you can celebrate the

 E - Eighties

and a few are even blessed to hit the 

 N - Nineties

and for those that can keep it going the 

H - Hundreds are something to celebrate every day! 

When your young time seems to take forever, from one day to the next, event to the next, year to the next. We can't wait to be 'adults'...


The closer you get to the end, the faster time seems to pass. We wish we could relive moments of our youth. 

Perhaps we are supposed to slow down and enjoy the moments. Make the most of the memories. 

Someone once gave me some amazing advice...... Don't wait til your old to understand it.

"Be where your feet are".

It's a Great book!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

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