March 17, 2023

Who Farted?


I don't know why, but it's the thought that 'popped' into my head.....

Happy St.Patrick's Day!!

It's something everybody does, just like breathing, eating, peeing and pooping... why is it so damn funny to some? and so repulsive to others?

Come on now, I think everybody has had at least 

ONE embarrassing FART in their lifetime... 

I grew up with a mother that could hold the distance and held the record for time !! Every morning from the minute her feet hit the ground until she reached the bathroom - no matter how far away it was {Including the outhouse that was halfway across the backyard}.. 
She could carry a fart without a breathe, break or pause...

Oh, and the memories you never forget...

Years ago....

We were at a Walmart store I was walking down the aisle towards the candles. At the end of the row was a customer and a store employee. The employee was about to climb the ladder to put stuff up on a shelf...

As I'm walking towards them, I make the comment " I wonder what smells we have today"..... I no sooner get the words out of my mouth and with her next step up the ladder - this poor girl FARTS!.

I immediately tell my husband "DON'T SAY IT".... The other customer that was standing there walks away and you can see him starting to laugh...  Hubby sees him... I repeat myself "DON'T SAY IT"... Without looking at either man, or candles I continued to walk to the check out and was finished shopping for the night.  By the time we got home, hubby was in tears from laughing so hard. I managed to hold my composer until we left the store, it wasn't easy.

A week later when we went into Walmart again and that poor girl seen us at the entrance and she disappeared toward the back of the store. I never saw her again!

Horse Farts

I now live with a horse that has the cleanest healthiest digestive system there is!! My horse farts a lot. And I've never had a horse colic...

We used to board at a community barn. I'd be in her stall cleaning, others would be cleaning their horses and my girl would start farting.... next thing you know - your hearing this giggling or all out laughter from other stalls in the barn....

All I could say was "It wasn't me!" and that would cause an outburst even more so...

Life's short, don't take everything so serious!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?