Ask Chanelle what she thinks of all the kittens and this is what you get.
The look says it all.
We are on round 4 of babies. Round 1 all adopted out, round 2 would be Calvin and Hobbs and Calvin still wants very little to do with 'hu-mans'. So we don't see them going anywhere any time soon.
'Calvin' hangs with the big boys and 'Hobbs' loves the bathtub on hot days.
Round 3 - Miss 'Coal' the 'coal black' love BUG! is doing well, she goes in for shots this week and I don't know the status of her surgery yet.. She is the sweetest little thing! Purrs and purrs, wraps herself around you and just loves to be loved.......
The new babies are about 3 weeks old and not eating on their own well. So it's bottle babies and a mess at feeding time.
They are getting lots' of bathes and as you can see little Mozart sitting in the sink, they are not afraid of water and don't mind it much. Between cereal on the face and messes on the bottoms the bathes help teach them to keep themselves clean. Also gives them the advantages mom would be giving them by helping out with the big messes.