November 30, 2023

Christmas Cards

 Well, the kids asked if we could do a picture of 'us' together, since it's been about a hundred years.... Chanelle thought it was her turn for a photo shoot, so we attempted to include her in the pictures. Mind you it took a few retakes... but this is about the best it's gonna get. 

When we were setting up our pricing for photography work, we did quite a bit of online comparison and even requested a few quotes. Oh-my it's gotten expensive to have photographs taken!! 

We made a commitment to be 'affordable quality' in our products and our photography productions. 

So ~ when you see the price of $50 for 6 prints, rest assured - your getting a $500 professional sitting at a reasonable price! We don't do the print outs, you get to order those from your favorite photo shop.  

Some folks have memberships to on line photo shops where they get 100 prints a month or free canvas prints. We give you digital files that are uploaded, to where you can access them at home and order out what you want. This allows you to take advantage of your memberships and bonus buys. 

We love doing 'FUR BABY' photo shoots, which is another reason we set our price as it is. Sometimes pets don't cooperate in a 'studio' setting or a 15-minute time limit. We allow at least an hour, spending time with your fur babies to get them comfortable so they will act as natural as possible for their pictures.

We can apply your photographs to any of our product line. We have the machines here in our home studio which allows us to provide a faster turnaround time. Whether it's the portrait from a recent shoot we've done or old photographs you bring in. We love 'custom orders'. Helping preserve the memories to cherish for a lifetime.

I hope you take the time to explore @ Timbers Photography, enjoy the beauty of nature. Or maybe take a look through your old photo albums and I bet you can find a few pictures you would like to have on ornaments for the tree, perhaps a coffee mug, or maybe even on a couple shot glasses.? 

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?