November 25, 2023

Christmas Decorations already!

 Hard to believe 
it's already Thanksgiving and Black Friday and Time to DECORATE!!

I managed to get the tree up and most of the inside work done. Hoping to get my son over to climb on the roof for Papa and put lights around the house. 

Where did this year go? We spent so much time in doctor offices and at the hospital, it seems like we missed half of summer and all of the fall season. 

My Grandsons turned 13 and 12 this past week! Teenagers already. They are all grown up so much and starting to get so interested in their friends, Grama isn't the 'one' anymore. 

Feeling the whole
 'empty nest' - 'sequil' - 'next generation'!

The quiet, the emptiness. Dust collecting on the toys. I'm hardly needed to watch anyone anymore, they are so independent, and my kids have gotten blessed each in their own situations. Jobs are improving, lifestyles are improving, no one has been able to buy a house just yet, but that too shall come in time. 

Even the kids are getting so much. more grown up! My daughter has 4 grandkids of her own, and 3 of them are now in school.  I can't help but wonder if I'm going to be a great great grama in my lifetime. That would be so cool, no doubt. 

I just can't believe how fast time has gone. How much everyone has grown, how far the family has come. Here we are at 'Christmas time' again. 6 birthdays to cover between Thanksgiving and Christmas day. On top of Christmas for over 2 dozen people...

Not only have I been busy making products for the weekend events, I've been working on ornaments for everyone in the family and each of the kids gets a mug with their own 'chosen' favorite photos. {Only you know about the ornaments, so shhhhh}

Tomorrow is going to be a grueling long day. We have to leave at 7 am and be set up and ready by 9 am to stay until 8 pm, to pack up and be out by 9 pm. 11 hours of 'sales time'. I just got done fixing and packing a cooler of food! Sandwiches, salad, fruit & cool whip, carrots and ranch for a snack, and the thermos is next to the coffee pot waiting to get filled. {Can't forget the coffee creamer this time}

Really need to see a 'good day'. We had a business meeting this morning and it's been decided that this location just doesn't fit our customer profile. We have 2 more events there before Christmas, and if it doesn't do better, I don't think we'll be doing that location again next holiday.

I don't think we'll actually be in the area! He's decided to sell the house after the first of the year and we've been looking around at 'cost per location' and 'what do you get for your buck' as far as 'rent' - house vs apartment.... Now to do some road trip research and go visit a few places and see how he likes it. 

Me personally, where I go depends on where is my horse going to be. Is it a good place for her, and an improvement for 'us' to ride more. And of course the cost and value of the care she'll be given. Right now, my horse is in the best place I've ever boarded in the entire time I've had my horses! 

Before you know it, Santa will be knocking bricks off the roof trying to find the chimneys that don't exist and it'll be time to ring in the new Year! 2024 - time for change. As always praying for answers for Papa's health and healing, praying for help in all aspects of life, and thanking the Lord for all He's done and doing in our lives, to bring us to where we need to be. 

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and survived the Black Friday sales crowds. God Bless and take care of each other.

Life happens so fast, take a minute to appreciate the ones around you! 

Got to Have a few Nut Crackers around the house, to protect and bring good fortune over the Holidays.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

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