November 12, 2023

Veterans Day weekend -2023

 The parade was rained out, so I didn't go. We did a little photo shooting here, set up the Christmas backdrop and displays. Had some fun with the cats, dog, kids and grandkids. 

Chanelle wasn't too sure about sitting on the chair, but she eventually got the hang of it.  Getting her to put her ears up was another difficult task. I think we ended up with one shot with the ears 'sort of' up.? 

It was nice to have some nights with the youngest grandchildren, and today I took a drive to see the older ones. It's been a long fall season without seeing any of them! I had to get my fix in! Mind you 'Miss Lulu' the St Bernard puppy at my daughters, missed us as much as the kids I think. I had to wash my coats when I got home from all the slobber. LOL.

It was a rough start this morning with printer malfunctions... I'm still Leary to switch back and use the other printer, now that the production printer is working again. I really don't understand what happened. Everything was fine a couple nights ago, I could print from either - then this morning, needed to do a quick print and ........

So thankful for tech support at Microsoft!! It really only took him a few minutes to find the problem and figure out a fix.  

I spent the better part of last week working on the 'Business Plan' for Timbers Photography, Getting the plan laid out and adding points gradually as we think of them. It was a bit ironic that Friday's post in one of my groups spoke out about all business should have a 'Business Plan'. No matter how small and how long ago you started.  {They say great minds think alike.}

We've been adding a few new product photographs to his website, and I've been setting up a few 'smaller' displays for photographs to use as 'samples' when we apply at events. The event coordinators usually want a few pictures of products and display set ups.  So - I've put together mini table displays with just a dash of our 'best sellers'. 

This is the display table that shows the products available when someone stops by the home studio for a photo shoot. 

It's hard to believe it's already Veterans Day and the middle of November. I know the stores and a great many folks are getting ready for Christmas already. My little granddaughter tells me, we need to wait til after Thanksgiving and give the Turkey his time. So we will continue the family traditions of waiting until Thanksgiving weekend to begin the Christmas decorating at our house. 

Meanwhile, we need to do some figuring... 
Who's coming for Thanksgiving dinner and who's cooking their own, or who wants us over? 
I'm almost guessing everyone is doing their own thing for Thanksgiving and I'm going to be stuffing Cornish Game Hens.
It's the perfect Thanksgiving dinner for just a couple people.  Sometimes, there is even a few leftovers! 

Well, Tomorrows Monday and I've got to figure out how to get a few things accomplished. Praying for a some guidance and a few blessings along the way.  The Lord knows my needs, knows my heart and knows the answers!

Just a reminder ~ we are taking orders for Holiday Ornaments, for just a couple more weeks.  Simply email the photos you want made into ornaments, the address to ship to and your name and contact information. We will confirm the photos are usable, calculate your shipping fees and send you an invoice. Once payment is received, production will begin. You can expect your ornaments in 2 weeks or less!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by 
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?