March 7, 2025


Sometimes my posts upset people, other times they hit home. Whether you agree with my words or not, is your opinion and personal choice. I'm not here to cause conflict or controversy, just sharing my thoughts, opinions and memories. With 60 years under my belt, I have come to know a thing or two. With as much as I've moved over the course of life, I've come to meet a lot of people. Many whom I choose not to continue to know and a few I carry with me wherever I go. 

I've lived my life knowing God is watching and knows all, so I have done my best, to do right by those around me. I've made mistakes I don't claim perfection. Yet I've noticed, some expected perfection from me and have little forgiveness towards my errors. Whereas those same individuals will forgive the devil a thousand times over, only to be screwed over by him every time. Many of my mistakes I've done my best to correct or undo to the best of my ability. 

Focus forward is all you have. You can't change the past, you can't rewrite the past and more often than not, you can't undo the damages done. It takes two to heal a relationship, one cannot do it alone. Too often people will beat themselves up or let themselves get beat up, just because they think they can correct something that is wrong. Sometimes you have to let go and walk away. 

Don't waste time trying to keep up with the lies and rumors that go behind you. You will destroy yourself and miss out on so much of the life that is ahead of you. Let the ignorant blow their horn. For they too shall see a judgement in the end. Children grow up and more often than not, they leave and never look back at those that built their childhood. Never appreciating the sacrifices made by those that loved them.

Let go and look ahead. Find your own place in life and do what is right for you. The door is always open to those you love but be sure to shut it when your love is being used or taken advantage of. You only get one life, and it's yours to live. Live your best life. And know that God is watching. He sees you endure, He sees you give, and He sees what's being done to you and about you behind your back. Let Him deal with the others. Just make sure you're not the one needing dealt with. 

Do your best in life and the blessings will follow. When bad things happen remember sometimes, it isn't God you're pissing off, it's the devil. God has chosen you for your strength, knowing you will overcome what the devil is dishing out. The closer you get to God the harder the devil will work to tear you away from God. He doesn't have to do anything to claim the soul of a sinner, it's the good folks he's working to destroy. 

I was once told 
"You must have really done something bad to have this much bad luck in life". 

I corrected them simply by saying, actually I think it's the devil I pissed off and God knows he's not going to win no matter how hard he tries. With this triumph comes great blessings. I may not have much wealth here on earth, but I'm very blessed in more ways than I can count, and I'm sure my treasure chest in heaven is overflowing with the things I adore. 

Be grateful, count your blessings, keep track of prayers answered and you will be surprised at how many He has heard and answered. Be thankful everyday you wake up and look for the good in life. A few minutes with the Lord in the morning and a few more minutes last thing at night, and your life will change for the better. If you woke up breathing today, your blessed with yet another day to get it right and do right. 

Blessed by God
Prayers have been answered @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping By 
Until next Time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

March 6, 2025

Daily Devotions


A book I bought just after Christmas 2024. Last year was a painful time in life and I had just started my journey back towards God, in a much deeper sense. 

The goal to get back to the place I once was, with the Holy Ghost leading my life. I was ordained a minister in 2004, and reinstated in 2016, now to be fully recommitted in 2024. 

20 years walking in the dark. A couple things happened back then that blew my faith out of the water. It took time to heal and find my way back. Many painful events during those years. A couple attempts at suicide, a couple strokes, and a million miracles and blessings brought me from there to here. 

While going through this particular devotional book, my life went from 'being out in the freezing cold' to being in a warm house with family and a friend, to being HOME, even though this place is temporary. It is the journey to HOME more permanently.  

I was alone while Tim was in the hospital, and during that time. Life became even clearer. My journey my own without any negativity to push me backwards. I was able to gain some of my strength back. Spiritually and physically. Still having the occasional struggle with the cigarettes, it is the only vice I've yet to overcome completely.

As I went through the devotions every day there were many days my answers were the same, at times I thought 'this isn't helping, I'm just repeating myself.' As I dug into my own soul deeper, I discovered my answers became deeper and more specific.  My prayers directly in line with my heart. "I can't take this anymore" was one line I remember repeating almost every day, as the weather got colder and colder down to 27 degrees the last night I spent in the truck. 

I've finished the book. The pages are blank so I can pass it on to someone else that is interested. My notes in a private journal. I learned many years ago that to read something, then write it down, helps the brain with imprinting it in your memory. Sometimes I rewrite things, helping me to understand them more completely.  Sometimes I rewrite it a few times. 

On to the next book as well as doing other studies in the meanwhile. Composing a series of sermons one goal to accomplish, should I someday have the opportunity to preach/teach again.  Whether you choose to just read a couple chapters a day, or indulge into devotional books, or take up a Bible study. 

Adding scripture, prayer and time with God on a daily basis, will increase your spiritual strength, your faith and your understanding; as well as improve your happiness levels and help guide you in decisions that you make daily in life general. Miracles still happen, Blessings are granted every day. As the world becomes more evil, the strength needed to survive spiritually will come. 

Dedicating a time daily with God, makes all the difference in the world. In this journey we call life. 

Blessed by God
Life's getting better @ the Bright Side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

March 5, 2025

Finding the Right "Church"

 First off - 

The 'church' isn't the building, it's the body of people. 

As buildings are classified as 'churches' this is the first misconception.

God's house is a 'Temple', 

Which is a place we go; to worship God.

God's house should be a Holy place, one that we hold in high esteem. 

One that is only entered into when we are there to worship God;
 and speak/teach His Word. 

For these reasons I have not attended any 'churches' in the last 30 + years. 
I have not found a single religion that truly worships God rightfully in His Temple. 

Recently I have been looking for a place to go and worship with fellow Christians, only to find they now disgrace the Lord, welcoming acts of sin and coffee machines?

Really, you think you're doing it right - by grabbing your coffee first?
Just so, you can sit there and drink coffee while the pastor/preacher speaks.?

"Come as you are?" or "Pajama days"?  While the poor may not have fine linen, they always did know to be clean and wear the best that they had. 

Multiple service times for the 'convenience' of those that don't like to wake up early?

Not one from any of these places, will I expect to see in Heaven!

My worship is done at HOME, 
where I know I have cleared the space to welcome the Lord into the house.

I know they don't have the true power of the Spirit, by the fact they cannot fulfill the miracles that Jesus left us the power to do.

Jesus hasn't changed, the rules haven't gotten easier, 
the expectations of God have remained the same as always - even unto the END.

Matthew 28:18-20
And Jesus spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and earth. 
Go ye therefore and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. AMEN

Mark 16:15-18
And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned.
And these signs shall follow them that believe; 
        In my name shall they cast out devils: 
        they shall speak with new tongues.
        They shall take up serpents; 
        and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; 
        They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. 

You cannot serve God and the devil.

Plain and simple. True followers of Christ have the powers, to speak in tongues, heal the sick and so much more. Jesus is still here as I don't believe the world has ended just yet. And He warned us - you can't sit on the fence with your spirituality. You must serve one or the other. 

Next time you're grabbing your coffee in your comfy pj's going to church and sitting on the pews, you might want to think about it. 

Blessed by God,
Life's very blessed @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping By
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

March 4, 2025

We are all going to Die

 It is something your born with ~ 
the fact that we are all  - going to die.

My first emergency Hospital trip, my first major "What's wrong with me" medical concern. 5 days in the hospital and I left with oxygen tanks in tow.  At that time doctors couldn't figure out what happened because I had waited 2 days after I fell to even go in. I couldn't breathe and it kept getting worse. I was dying at home. My oxygen count was in the low 70's and dropping.

My left lung apparently quit working and was just sitting there. I was put on the oxygen to force air into my lungs, doctors hoped it would 'kick in' and start working on it's own.  I was given morphine so I would be comfortable until I died. While I was there, I was met with a variety of people. One of which was the end of life clergy. I soon realized on was on the death floor of the hospital, with some very old people that were 'waiting to die'.


Doctors told me to prepare myself and my family, as my time here was very limited. My lungs were estimated to only last maybe another 5 years. This was in 2006  - I was only in my 40's and 2 of my kids were still minors under my supervision. I was devastated and I don't think the kids totally believed it. My insurance would never provide a transplant and I'm against it anyways.

I got rid of 'stuff' - nearly everything I owned, and I've kept my life 'minimalized'. I don't want anyone to be burdened by a lot of crap when I'm gone. Cremate me, toss the ashes in the wind and go on with their lives. I gave everyone things that I knew would be important to them and made sure they had things I wanted them to have. 

Since then, I have had little interest in material things and my Birthday and Christmas wishes have been to spend time with those I love. "Let me feel wanted" as I grew up unwanted by my own mother and it did have a large effect on me emotionally for the rest of my life. Being 'unwanted' is a hard feeling to live with. 

Needless to say, my lung healed, and my primary doctor suspected that I suffered a stroke which is what caused me to fall. Since that time, I had a couple smaller strokes and have been on heart medication ever since. I managed to heal my lung and get rid of the oxygen machines. Being free of any life support devices. 

Over the course of that first 5 years, I was an emotional mess internally, trying not to let it out or share with anyone. I have kept my material possessions to a minimum and spent as much time with my kids and their families as I could. Probably too much as I feel like I've been pushed away over the years. 

I've tried to divorce my second disaster to no avail. He has mental issues and would not be the same person in court as he is out of court, which would lead to another horrible ending much like the first one I managed to survive.  I don't have the strength to go through the hell again. 

So, I have learned tolerance, praying to God to see my sacrifice and provide me happiness in some other form. That led to my horse. The first horse I have bought for myself. One of these days I will share the childhood horse horror story... I still have my horse, and she will be with me until one of us dies. I will go homeless and live in my car before I will sell or get rid of my horse. PERIOD.

And here we are, almost 19 years later! 
I'm still here!

Often times wondering if I should have died sooner because I feel like I've outlived my purpose to be here.  I'm guessing God has other plans. Life has been a roller coaster with a lot of ups and downs. I've been blessed to watch my kids grow up into amazing adults and I've seen some of my grandchildren grow up to have their own families. Blessed beyond any amount of silver or gold. 

No one has a guaranteed tomorrow, whether the doctors tell you about it or not. Appreciate life and show your love to the ones around you, because in an instant either you or they may be gone. No one has the answer for any of us. My only sister died when I was just 18, hit by a car, leaving 3 beautiful children behind. My parents lived to be in their 80s and late 70's.
                   You just never know
                                            Cherish the moments. 

To have faith in God is to have faith in God's timing as well. 

Blessed by God
Lifes a blessing@ the Bright Side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

March 2, 2025

I'm Sorry

The lack of communication breaks down more relationships than anything. 
Whether it's family, friends or lovers.

 More often than not, 
feelings of hurt are mistaken for 





A person may push people away 
Or just avoid them altogether.

 Too often people hold their feelings in
thinking it's the best way to deal with someone.

 They turn to the wrong people for advice and end up talking about someone rather than talking to them.

 Because of where they took the advice from 
 often leads to 
saying the wrong thing, making matters worse.

 Another common problem is when
a person will let someone else speak for them 
or Let another's actions lead to misinterpretations.

 Time passes and the emotional aspects get worse and the people involved grow further apart.

 And when someone is left confused not understanding what is wrong, they are unable to correct the situation 


 End up compounding matters that makes the hurt worse and distance further. 

In the end

 People end up dying with so many unresolved feelings, and have grown so far from the people that they loved and cherished. 

By then 

 It's too late to even say your sorry 
Often times you never knew what was wrong.
Taking confusion to the grave.

Families separated forever, Friends lost for good.

Blessed by God 
Life goes on @ the Bright Side of the Barn 
Thanks for Stopping by 
Until Next Time Stay Safe and Happy Trails 

March 1, 2025

Where were you at 15?

 I was becoming a mom.

I had people wanting me to have an abortion, people wanting to take my baby and even more people trying to tell me how to raise my baby.

My family moved out of the country and back to Canada. I was left here pretty much alone with the babies daddy and his family. 

I loved being a mom and taking care of my babies. I had 4 kids over time. They all had the same dad. I was a stay home mom and they rarely went to a sitter, during the 11 years I was with their dad.

I wasn't into parties and being stupid. I was devoted to my kids. My house was always clean, my babies bathed every day. Laundry done and dinner hot and on the table every evening. We hung out together and did things together. 

The daddies family accused me of child abuse repeatedly over the years, even sent CPS to my house on a few occasions. Never was an accusation justified. It just added pressure to be a perfect mom. 

I was strick and raised my kids with expectations. I was probably too hard on them at times especially the oldest 2. Many tears I shed feeling like a failure. Sometimes even a monster. How I raised my kids was a constant battle with the daddy family. 

Their dad was a drinker and had been since he was 6 years old. Yes you read that correctly. He failed kindergarten because of his dad. Like his father he would be mean and violent when he drank. 

This was something I had never experienced in my life. My parents were quiet, calm and my dad was a very loving person . Gossip and being mean to people was not something I grew up with.

So the stress of the situation affected me and it was hard to be myself. I actually lost me and who I am, over the years, I became what I had to be to survive and protect my children.

To, Eventually getting a job and getting away from HIM. That led to worse violence, life threatening situations and courts. Where I had to learn how to be an attorney, as well. Now a single parent and no family around to help.

All the violence and moving was hard on all of us. I did the best I could, being alone in this country with 4 kids in tow. We had to move a lot and I went through a few jobs because of the damage the dad would cause every time he found my jobs or where we lived.

There really was no support, from either family .... physically, mentally or financially for the kids. They grew up in a much different world than the one I wanted for them. It was hard on them and I tried to keep their dad in their hearts even though he didn't want to be in their lives.

I did the best I could. I made mistakes. I never stopped loving them and I was never - not there for them. 

Fact - I'm still here any time they need me.

All the things I did do right didn't seem to matter to some of them.. The others try their best and still don't know me. 

It hurts that we are not so close. This wasn't how I wanted my family to become. We love each other, don't get me wrong there. 

But it is what it is.

I'm proud of them, they grew up into amazing people. They have taken on life so much stronger than I ever was.

 They made beautiful families of their own. I have so many grandkids that I love to the moon and back. I've even lived longer enough to enjoy meeting some of my great grandkids. 

They are my life's accomplishment. And they are all so beautiful and amazing.

All I can say is, I did my best, where were you at 15? 
I was trying to be a good mom.

Blessed by God 
Life has been an amazing journey 
@ the Bright Side of the Barn.
Thanks for Stopping by 
Until Next Time Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

February 26, 2025

DONATE to a Great Cause

 My favorite Rescues and Charities

BNG Ranch ~ originally about 65 horses were abandoned on her property, through the courts she acquired custody. Much money and time has been spending getting them healthy and socialized, so they could be adopted. 

Sugar Shack Horses ~ Suzanne works more through her Facebook page @
Pregnant mares, orphaned foals. Every spring she gets overloaded with babies needing nurse mares and new homes.

Mariana's Ranch ~ A place for children of foster care to feel safe and grow in confidence and so much more. Where children and horses connect. 

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee ~ Jamie and Jesse take in cats, kittens and get them everything they need from fixed and shots to socializing. There is always one available for adoption.

Aloura Elizabeth ~ Cat/Dog Rescue, she takes them both, rescues from the rez and more. Everything from shots, getting them fixed and healthy ready for new furever homes.

Then there is the Homeless Crisis. We meet many individuals and families that are living in their cars or outside on the streets. We try to provide meals, blankets, coats and resources to help them up out of the situation. After being homeless myself on a few occasions and for a few reasons, I personally know the struggle. So many charities use the money they receive for the "administrative expenses" very little goes to helping the poor. We provide a direct connection from the dollars to the needy.

Take your pick, they all could benefit from your donations and fostering abilities. 

Blessed by God 
Life's better @ the Bright Side of the Barn 
Thanks for Stopping by 
Until Next Time Stay Safe and Happy Trails 

February 22, 2025

Eyes on You

 When I was starting out in life, I was blessed/cursed with the amazing opportunity to - learn at my own pace. It was an experiment the school was doing for those of us with high IQs ( we are talking 2nd grade) 

The experiment, we were put in a room that was divided into 4 sections and 4 classes were being taught at the same time. Then tested on all 4 subjects, some were a higher grade level.

We were given the work at a pace we could accomplish it. I managed to do 3 grade levels in 2 years was then tested and skipped a grade, making me a few years younger than my fellow classmates.

 Bullying was an understatement. Not only did I endure the torment from other students, some teachers were not without attitude. Mind you my parents liked to move a lot, so I went to a lot of different schools in 2 different countries. ( I think we figured it to be 17 schools in all)

Every year was a new start some years were as many as 3 schools. Always being the new kid, and many years I became younger and younger than my classmates. 

I entered high school at 13yrs old. After being held back a year because the school was afraid of what the high school kids would have done to me if they found out I was only 12. By 14 I gave up on public schools and quit. Later getting my GED.

 I remember one occasion in elementary school, that I was injured pretty bad and came home crying and upset, wanting to quit already then. 

 My mom put the world 🌎 on my shoulders, and it's been there ever SINCE. 

 She told me I couldn't quit. There were kids going through the same "bullying" and they needed someone to make it through to show them it could be done. 

 People are watching you and they need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

 Like it was my job to save the 🌎 world.

 Life goes on - 

I became a mom at 15, which brought on a whole new batch of bullies and opinions. 

My life has been a constant struggle. I've had to stand up in open court and talk about some pretty hard things..

I have never been afraid of or ashamed to be honest and open about my life. The Ups, the downs, the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

 You never heard a lot about bullying in the 70's. Or suicide. We managed to survive our era.

 I'm 60 now, and it breaks my heart every time I hear about a child committing suicide because of bullying. 

I've had a good friend and follower of my blog lose himself to suicide and we've lost a few family members.

I wish I could have met with them and had the chance to talk to them beforehand.Perhaps things would be better.

My doctor tells me I'm pretty strong to be able to talk myself off the cliff. So many of the things that I have been through would have broken anyone else. Yet, I have survived them all.

Please if you know of anyone struggling with suicide, reach out, let's talk. I've stood on that cliff more than once growing up and still have moments.

Ironically my birthday is in September, which is also suicide awareness month. 

Together maybe we can save someone's world from collapsing.

Blessed by God
Life is worth living @
the Bright Side of the Barn.
Thanks for Stopping by,
Until Next Time Stay Safe and Happy Trails 

February 20, 2025

Avon calling

 Avon for the fur babies!!

Avon is still around!! 
We just don't knock on doors 

& Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Blessed by God 
Life is moving forward @
The Bright Side of the Barn 
Thanks for Stopping by 
Until Next Time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails 

January 29, 2025

Day Spring Christian Store

I'm pleased and honored to announce that I have become an ambassador for 
The Day Spring Christian Store.
Beautiful home decor and awesome books await! 

Blessed by God 
Life is healing @ the Bright Side of the Barn 
Thanks for Stopping by 
Until Next Time Stay Safe and Happy Trails 

January 26, 2025

God is Amazing

 God is so amazing. I'm still overwhelmed by my blessings! And so Thankful every day!!

It was 27° in the truck last Saturday morning - freezing was an understatement. I figured the cats, Chanelle and I would be frozen by Tuesday,

We were rescued by a good friend, who is an Angel.

When Tuesday came - it took a band of Prayer Warriors, Angels at an organization and another of my Angels, with their circle of Angel friends......

Through God's grace and guiding hand.....

 I'm in a brand new House that is the exact same floor plan as the house we sold. This one has so many more high end upgrades!  Including a garage. Landscaped and fenced yard. Security gated senior community in the city I wanted to be in. Double the value of my house. On "Timber St" some folks will know why that matters. 

So many details perfect for me and my dream home. God knows I loved my house and didn't want to have to sell.. 

God doesn't just answer prayers, He goes all out down to the every detail.!! Remember He knows the number of hairs on your head.

I'm so thankful for my Prayer Warriors, God sent Angels, and grateful to God for the many miracles that made it all happen to bring me home.

 ( Yep those are shower heads at both ends of the master shower)

Blessed by God 
I'm home @the Bright Side of the Barn 
Thanks for Stopping by 
Until Next Time Stay Safe and Happy Trails 

January 23, 2025

The Storm

 The following is taken from the book, FINDING GOD IN SUFFERING, Volume 1.

Stand up in the place where the dear Lord has put you, and there do your best.
The tree 🌴 that grows where tempests toss it's boughs and bend it's trunk often almost to breaking, is often more firmly rooted than the 🌲 tree which grows in the sequestered valley where no storms ever bring stress or strain.
The same is true of life.
The grandest character is grown in hardship.

Blessed by God 
Mountains have been moved @ the Bright Side of the Barn.
Thanks for Stopping by 
Until Next Time Stay Safe and Happy Trails 

January 17, 2025

Your Influence

 Many of us, don't even realize the influence we have on those around us.

 Not everyone sees themselves as a leader. 

Many choose to step back rather than step up.

And even more do all possible to stay out of the lights.

Parents often have fear of failing their roles as leaders, to their children.

We don't always see the influence we're having on someone, whether we are trying to lead them in a better direction, or if they just happen to be observing our role in a situation.

We influence people with our actions without even being aware of it.

 We can help someone or hurt them without even knowing they were affected by our words, actions and behavior.

  1. the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.
    "the influence of television violence"
    1. have an influence on.
      "sometimes simple changes in a business environment can influence behavior"

    Blessed by God 
    Life's good @ the Bright Side of the Barn 
    Thanks for Stopping by 
    Until Next Time Stay Safe and Happy Trails 

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