Years ago, like 30 plus years ago.... I had a conversation with one of my cousins about the ability to live like Christ in today's world (30 years ago). She felt it was impossible to live without sin and live like Christ to perfection.
While I agree we are far from perfect.
I have found scriptures that tell us how to be more like Christ and even more scriptures that say we can have the same powers to heal that Jesus exercised while here.
What we lack is the faith in believing it possible. The will to put down the wants of the flesh and to step away from the things we know are ungodly.
We look to science to prove God; Rather than search our hearts to feel God.
I've been deep in Ephesians the past couple days. One God, one Spirit, one church and one body of Christ.
Telling of the tools and teaching left for us to follow. We are supposed to be able to look to the evangelist, the pastor, the teachers - to show us the way.
And they the leaders are warned to speak the truth. Not to lead people a stray from the ways of God.
Put down the ways of the flesh and put on the armour of the Spirit....
Here we are 30 some years later and the Bible says the same thing.
So can we? Live like Christ?
Blessed by God
Life is good @ the Bright Side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until Next Time Stay Safe and Happy Trails