March 7, 2025


Sometimes my posts upset people, other times they hit home. Whether you agree with my words or not, is your opinion and personal choice. I'm not here to cause conflict or controversy, just sharing my thoughts, opinions and memories. With 60 years under my belt, I have come to know a thing or two. With as much as I've moved over the course of life, I've come to meet a lot of people. Many whom I choose not to continue to know and a few I carry with me wherever I go. 

I've lived my life knowing God is watching and knows all, so I have done my best, to do right by those around me. I've made mistakes I don't claim perfection. Yet I've noticed, some expected perfection from me and have little forgiveness towards my errors. Whereas those same individuals will forgive the devil a thousand times over, only to be screwed over by him every time. Many of my mistakes I've done my best to correct or undo to the best of my ability. 

Focus forward is all you have. You can't change the past, you can't rewrite the past and more often than not, you can't undo the damages done. It takes two to heal a relationship, one cannot do it alone. Too often people will beat themselves up or let themselves get beat up, just because they think they can correct something that is wrong. Sometimes you have to let go and walk away. 

Don't waste time trying to keep up with the lies and rumors that go behind you. You will destroy yourself and miss out on so much of the life that is ahead of you. Let the ignorant blow their horn. For they too shall see a judgement in the end. Children grow up and more often than not, they leave and never look back at those that built their childhood. Never appreciating the sacrifices made by those that loved them.

Let go and look ahead. Find your own place in life and do what is right for you. The door is always open to those you love but be sure to shut it when your love is being used or taken advantage of. You only get one life, and it's yours to live. Live your best life. And know that God is watching. He sees you endure, He sees you give, and He sees what's being done to you and about you behind your back. Let Him deal with the others. Just make sure you're not the one needing dealt with. 

Do your best in life and the blessings will follow. When bad things happen remember sometimes, it isn't God you're pissing off, it's the devil. God has chosen you for your strength, knowing you will overcome what the devil is dishing out. The closer you get to God the harder the devil will work to tear you away from God. He doesn't have to do anything to claim the soul of a sinner, it's the good folks he's working to destroy. 

I was once told 
"You must have really done something bad to have this much bad luck in life". 

I corrected them simply by saying, actually I think it's the devil I pissed off and God knows he's not going to win no matter how hard he tries. With this triumph comes great blessings. I may not have much wealth here on earth, but I'm very blessed in more ways than I can count, and I'm sure my treasure chest in heaven is overflowing with the things I adore. 

Be grateful, count your blessings, keep track of prayers answered and you will be surprised at how many He has heard and answered. Be thankful everyday you wake up and look for the good in life. A few minutes with the Lord in the morning and a few more minutes last thing at night, and your life will change for the better. If you woke up breathing today, your blessed with yet another day to get it right and do right. 

Blessed by God
Prayers have been answered @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping By 
Until next Time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

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