A book I bought just after Christmas 2024. Last year was a painful time in life and I had just started my journey back towards God, in a much deeper sense.
The goal to get back to the place I once was, with the Holy Ghost leading my life. I was ordained a minister in 2004, and reinstated in 2016, now to be fully recommitted in 2024.
20 years walking in the dark. A couple things happened back then that blew my faith out of the water. It took time to heal and find my way back. Many painful events during those years. A couple attempts at suicide, a couple strokes, and a million miracles and blessings brought me from there to here.
While going through this particular devotional book, my life went from 'being out in the freezing cold' to being in a warm house with family and a friend, to being HOME, even though this place is temporary. It is the journey to HOME more permanently.
I was alone while Tim was in the hospital, and during that time. Life became even clearer. My journey my own without any negativity to push me backwards. I was able to gain some of my strength back. Spiritually and physically. Still having the occasional struggle with the cigarettes, it is the only vice I've yet to overcome completely.
As I went through the devotions every day there were many days my answers were the same, at times I thought 'this isn't helping, I'm just repeating myself.' As I dug into my own soul deeper, I discovered my answers became deeper and more specific. My prayers directly in line with my heart. "I can't take this anymore" was one line I remember repeating almost every day, as the weather got colder and colder down to 27 degrees the last night I spent in the truck.
I've finished the book. The pages are blank so I can pass it on to someone else that is interested. My notes in a private journal. I learned many years ago that to read something, then write it down, helps the brain with imprinting it in your memory. Sometimes I rewrite things, helping me to understand them more completely. Sometimes I rewrite it a few times.
On to the next book as well as doing other studies in the meanwhile. Composing a series of sermons one goal to accomplish, should I someday have the opportunity to preach/teach again. Whether you choose to just read a couple chapters a day, or indulge into devotional books, or take up a Bible study.
Adding scripture, prayer and time with God on a daily basis, will increase your spiritual strength, your faith and your understanding; as well as improve your happiness levels and help guide you in decisions that you make daily in life general. Miracles still happen, Blessings are granted every day. As the world becomes more evil, the strength needed to survive spiritually will come.
Dedicating a time daily with God, makes all the difference in the world. In this journey we call life.
Blessed by God
Life's getting better @ the Bright Side of the Barn
Thanks for Stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.