February 15, 2019

Spring Fresh


Cold dark winter days... mean too much time inside. So, since I just got the trailer in September, I haven't had much time until now to work inside. Paint, real curtains vs RV shades, some real furniture, accents and personal touches....

And it's home sweet home.... Too many people are thinking for how long this time? {I'm known to move a lot} What they don't realize is I've never wanted to move around, I wanted to be HOME. But home isn't home until it feels like home. This place, with the barnyard, this is HOME.
What is Home? 
It's a 35' 5th Wheel trailer, sitting on the 5 acres next to the barn where my horses are housed. I've converted a paddock into my orchard for the trees and yard for my trailer.  
{Talk is I will be buying the farm when it's time... Lord willing}

Blessed by God
LIfe's good here @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails

#inthebarnyard #mynewlife #rvliving

February 10, 2019

The Changes You make in Life.

What happened and how did we get from where we were to where we are now @ the Bright side of the Barn......

I grew up with anxiety and depression, which were side effects of a life time of PTSD.

Nobody knew what it was most of my life, so I endured consistently being told, I worry too much and get over it.  I survived having people purposely add stress to my life attempting to cause me a heart attack.
 {They came close, they gave me a stroke}.

I grew up believing in God, Loving God, studying the Bible. Living to do right as often as possible.... {ignoring the calling to minister}

I was doing it 'my way' for God,

But I wasn't living for God.
 { I wasn't listening to
what God wanted me to do }

And that is the difference,
the change I made in

making the commitment to live FOR GOD.

God never left my side, but the road behind me could have went a lot smoother. My children were raised to believe in God, but it was their own choice to find Him, church was never a forced issue. A lot of bad things happened over the years, with a lot of good things that caused many people to tell me, You should write a book.
My life is that unbelievable. 

It's like God was following me to keep me safe, instead of leading me safely to where He wanted me.

Turning that point of life around -
Has brought me here to the
Bright side of the Barn.

Isaiah 58:11
 The Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfy thy soul.

Blessed by God
Life's good here @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by.
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?