May 30, 2019


Prerequisite of Prayer

  1. Praise the Lord
  2. Confess sin/mistakes
  3. Exercise faith, BELIEVE
  4. Pray in Jesus Name
  5. Pray persistently

Prayer Requests:

Requests accepted and will be prayed for daily with persistence, 
Won't you join me in prayer, for our brothers and sisters;

Dear Lord

Glory to your greatness and all that you do for us.
Forgive us our errors, help us to see the way and the truth.
We believe the scriptures Oh Lord, Your word is our guide.
In Jesus name we ask you to help our friends in need and bring them into your peace. We do not understand the ways of this life Oh Lord. 
But we trust in you and hope to someday, sit in your house, and be honored by your presence.

Today we call out our friends, you know their needs, take them into your arms dear Lord, we pray. Have your way and be glorified dear Lord.

B & C
Jim and family
Krissy and Family
In Jesus name we pray,
 Glory be to God, in the highest.

I love post it's and as I get older, I use them even more.

 I have an envelope for Prayers and prayer requests.. The request goes on a post it and to the back of the envelope, then when the prayer is fulfilled another post it describing the Blessing, attaches to the first and they go in the envelope.

If you have a request fill in the form to the right and we'll add you to the list of needs. God hears His people and answers prayers.

Keeping track - no.
Counting my blessings - yes.
Testifying of the greatness of God - yes.

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

How many God's are there?

  1. 1.
    a recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church.
    synonyms:religious group, sect, Church, cultmovement, faith community, bodypersuasion, religious persuasion, communionorderfraternitybrotherhoodsisterhoodschoolMore
  2. 2.
    the face value of a banknote, coin, or postage stamp.
    "a hundred dollars or so, in small denominations
    "the banknotes come in a number of denominations"

Ephesians 4:5

One Lord, one faith, one baptism.

So is it possible to have more than one christian faith, 
taking everyone to the same heaven? 

Sorry , not logical.

Is there more than one God, with more than one heaven.?

There would have to be, for every different religion to find their way to their heaven.

So how do we find the ONE TRUE WAY?

Ask God!

Prayer will lead you to the right BIble,

Scripture will lead you to the right Path,

God will lead you to heaven!

Step one is admitting there cannot be more than one way to heaven.

Blessed by God,
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by,
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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