June 9, 2023

Can People Change?

  I love this subject !

Can people change?  

I ask - "Change What?"

I grew up and I still hear it frequently today -
an old cliché 

" A leopard can't change it's spots." 

Which is true - But - 

"A leopard can be taught to do things differently"

So, I again ask - "Change what?" 

    To say NO people don't change... you need to finish the sentence and specify what change your referring to.

    It is no wonder folks can't get off drugs or stop drinking and poisoning themselves, quit being a thief, or even try to do better in school or at work
 when they live in a society that is dead set on the fact that 

"people CAN'T change" 

and that sums up their entire opinion on the matter. 

     A very wrong opinion. No, people DON'T usually change basic demeanor's, mannerisms, or their own train of thought patterns.

{Train of thought patterns - remember that for the test}

    Habits, routines, means of coping, choices of actions, likes and dislikes, wants, desires, and dreams can all help a person CHANGE things that in turn create change in ~

the Way they live and the way they act.

    No - they are still the same person as a whole, but yes, they can be a very different person from within. 

    Which makes them 'different' to be around. 

Usually this occurs

 when someone 'changes their train of thought patterns.'

Old habits are always going to have an inner seed within us. New habits have to be good enough to overpower the old to make changes that actually stem long term. 

Thus Causing the             'feeling of being a whole new person'.!! 

    So when we talk about people changing - before we condemn them to NEVER - NOT POSSIBLE, let's ask ourselves 


Image courtesy of Istockphoto.com

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

June 8, 2023

What's your Bitch?

Have you ever been called a Bitch?

  Mind you there is only 1 kind of bitch. Too often 'witches' 'scanks' and 'cu..s' get called a bitch by mistake.

Considering a bitch is the defined original  reference to a pedigree female dog, think about that next time your throwing words out there.

 I was going to go with the heading 'So Misunderstood'. As I went looking for today's image for the post, the Bright side image and our Today's Quote ~ I found the one featured here. Click the image to the link and read the article. There is an argument in the comments as to the origination of the article. Please don't mind that. It is the article itself worth reading.

 - if you have ever been called a bitch!!

 So today's title changed a bit. I personally could strongly relate to the article as I am that kind of Bitch and proud of it. 

When you have self standards people will call you 'stuck up'.

When you bust your ass because you like nice things and when you take care of your things. 'you think your better than everyone else'.

Too often one is called spoiled, when in fact they worked their ass off to have what they have. Picky about who sits on it? Probably, they paid good money for it and it might have taken a while to achieve so they want to enjoy it for a while too. 

 Sometimes, I will write a blog or make a post on social media and someone takes it personal or gets offended. I get accused of 'talking about them' - Frustrating for me, because it's usually just a random thought that popped into my head that morning. Some smell, sight, sound or memory triggered a past experience - and there it is, my next post!

It's not always about YOU ~ as my children learned growing up. ...

 If I got something to say to you - Your going to hear it from me. If you didn't hear it from me, I probably didn't say it and don't know a damn thing about it. 

So your feelings are based on fabrication, now don't you look silly?

 Think about that one next time your wasting your time listening to gossip. Don't hate someone because you were told too, your probably friends and listening to the wrong person, missing out on the REAL ONE. 

 Hmmmm, LOL,  That's probably why I'm Hated by so many and most of the ex's families. I didn't walk on egg shells around them, I said it how it is. {You think I'm a bitch, meet my daughters.} I was more willing to walk away or shut the door than to play their childish games and live in their drama. 

 Keep it real and drama free. Life is an adventure, move forward don't get trapped in the past. 

Be you!

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
Thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay safe and Happy Trails.

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